
Introduction to Forest Medicine: Effects of Shinrin-Yoku/Forest Bathing on human health


李卿​ Qing Li

日本醫科大學 教授






由於在森林醫學等研究的傑出貢獻,曾獲得「日本產業衛生學會獎勵獎」、「日本醫科大學醫學會獎學獎」,日本醫科大學大學獎。著作有《森林醫學》(Forest Medicine)、《森林癒》(Shinrin-Yoku)等。《森林癒》一書目前已被翻譯成25種語言,在30多個國家和地區出版發行,美國版(Forest Bathing)還曾榮登暢銷書排行榜。


Qing Li, MD, PhD

Clinical Professor at Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nippon Medical School

1-1-5, Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

Vice-President & Secretary General of International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine (INFOM)

President of Japanese Society of Forest Medicine


Humans have enjoyed forest environments for ages because of the quiet atmosphere, beautiful scenery, mild climate, pleasant aromas, and fresh, clean air. In Japan, since 2004, serial studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of forest environments (Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku) on human health. We have established a new medical science called Forest Medicine. The Forest Medicine is a new interdisciplinary science, belonging to the categories of alternative medicine, environmental medicine and preventive medicine, which studies the effects of forest environments (Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku/Forest Therapy) on human health. It has been reported that Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku (forest therapy) has the following beneficial effects on human health:

  1. Shinrin-Yoku boosts immune function by increasing human natural killer (NK) activity, the number of NK cells, and the intracellular levels of anti-cancer proteins, suggesting a preventive effect on cancers.
  2. Shinrin-Yoku reduces stress hormones, such as urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline and salivary/serum cortisol contributing to stress management.
  3. Shinrin-Yoku increases the activity of parasympathetic nerves and reduces the activity of sympathetic nerves to stabilize the balance of autonomic nervous system.
  4. Shinrin-Yoku improves sleep 
  5. Shinrin-Yoku shows preventive effect on depression
  6. Shinrin-Yoku reduces blood pressure and heart rate showing preventive effect on hypertension.
  7. Shinrin-Yoku may apply to rehabilitation medicine
  8. Shinrin-Yoku in city parks also has benefits on human health 
  9. Shinrin-Yoku has preventive effect on lifestyle related diseases by increasing the levels of serum adiponectin and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.
  10.  Shinrin-Yoku shows preventive effect on COVID-19 by by reducing stress and by boosting immune function.

Taken together, Shinrin-yoku has preventive effects on lifestyle related diseases by reducing stress and by boosting immune function.

