
Forest Therapy Trends in the United States


Amos Clifford​

美國自然與森林療癒嚮導協會 創辦人暨CEO



Amos是美國森林療癒發展的先鋒者,於2012年成立美國自然與森林療癒嚮導協會,陸續於加拿大、歐洲、亞洲地區成立分會,至今於全球55個國家辦理森林療癒嚮導培訓課程,培訓出超過850名認證嚮導。Amos將日本的森林浴概念,結合他20幾年荒野嚮導(wilderness guide)、禪修、心理療法、教育顧問等經驗,發展出美國ANFT式的森林療癒體驗活動。其著作Your Guide to Forest Bathing,為森林療癒領域中的暢銷書,目前已出到第三版,翻譯成英文、法文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文和有聲書。

Amos於舊金山大學獲得組織發展學士學位、諮商碩士學會。於1972年開始野外嚮導工作,並於次年將自然連結活動,加入偏差行為青少年輔導課程中,爾後,致力於青少年自然療法的活動發展與執行,成立Turning Point Youth Services,提供孩童與青少年的心理健康門診服務。


Several distinct trends have emerged in Forest Therapy in North America. The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) teaches a version of Forest Therapy that uses a theoretical foundation called “Way of the Guide.” This approach has influenced other organizations, although among them a public health orientation is still dominant.  ANFT began training Forest Therapy Guides in 2014. 1392 people have completed the ANFT Forest Therapy Guide Training program, 74% of whom reside in North America and 16% in Europe. This presentation briefly reviews a history of the organization and the main features of ANFT’s “Standard Sequence” used in guided Forest Therapy walks. The presenter discusses ANFT’s response to COVID-19, and discusses how forest therapy guide training continues to evolve. He identifies a need for international cooperation to develop accreditation standards process for organizations providing Forest Therapy training.
